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Desert Mountains

Corporate Sponsors

Partnerships Make Our Work Possilbe

All of our work - from essential supply distributions to gardening projects, elder kits, holiday projects, cultural events, and more would not be possible without support from generous sponsors. We are grateful for every level of support, and we want to thank the following sponsors who have kept our organization, our truck, and our purpose going.


Common Spirit is our grant sponsor for a hydroponics garden system. Thanks to their generous support, thousands of families in the Navajo Nation will have access to fresh produce. We're also partnering with Utah STEM Action Center and Green Our Planet to make this possible. Common Spirit has also sponsored essential distribution drives, pet food and firewood drives, and they have allowed us to "keep the lights on" in our warehouse and daily operations. 

Les Schwab has been a long-term sponsor as not only a donation drop-off site, but also through water donations, financial donations, and constant support. 

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary has been a huge supporter of our pet food distributions, providing large quantities of animal food and medical service information.

Texas Instruments has been a key partner in our STEM education projects, and a constant ambassador for our projects. 

As always, we thank our individual donors, church groups, board members, volunteers, and community partners.

Thank you! Ahéhee

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Yáʼátʼééh! Shí éí Bud Frazier yíníshyé’. 

Tł’ízí łání nishłį́. Hooghan łání báshíshchíín.

Thanks for stopping by, please reach out!

Email: | Phone: (385) 429-0020

Address: 333 E Main St. #1013 Lehi, UT 84043

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© 2021 by NavajoStrong is a grassroots community effort serving the Navajo people and is not necessarily affiliated with the Navajo Nation Government

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