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NavajoStrong in the News
Recently featured in the Navajo Times, KSLTV, The San Juan Record, and FOX 13 Utah, we have collected
donations and essential supplies, before directly delivering them to families of the Navajo Community.
To date, we have delivered to over 4,000 families in need and we are still going NavajoStrong!
In addition to direct deliveries, our team has provided water, food, hand sanitizer, essential cleaning, and hygiene items to the local to chapter houses of Kaibito, Kayenta, Leupp, Chilchinbito & Second Mesa (Hopi Village) in Arizona, Navajo Mountain, Utah Navajo Health System, Inc., Inscription House in Utah, Shiprock Police Department, Sonostee, Two Grey Hills, and Lavida Seventh Day Mission in New Mexico.
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